Control Room Solutions
2 years ago Services New York City 1.2K views Reference: 52176Location: New York City
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The control room is one of the most important parts of any process industry like Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Steel, Power Generation/Distribution, Telecom, Aviation, Smart City & Surveillance, and many more. It is meant to cater to all the monitoring & controlling activities on a 24X7 basis which is necessary for hassle-free operations therefore, The Control Room is also known as the Brain of the plant/facility While designing an end-to-end Control Room Solutions, important parameters are kept in minds such as desired functionality, safety, ergonomics, compliance to applicable industry norms, and overall aesthetic appeal. Studies reveal that a pleasant working environment results in better efficiency & enhances the overall decision-making process. The design of the command center console makes operators more attentive by supporting normal as well as critical situations through visual & auditory alarms or signals.