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Brick laying Auckland Professional

2 years ago Services Auckland   450 vues


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Localité: Auckland
Prix: $80

Quality Masonry Limited is owned by Phil McKay and he has been in the Brick laying  Auckland industry for 20+ years. Situated in East Auckland, Quality Masonry services the needs of its clients throughout the Auckland region.  Specialising in Commercial block laying and Architecturally Designed homes, Phil McKay, and his team of eight, at Quality Masonry should be top of mind if you are after a professional, end to end solution, who deliver quality workmanship, on time!

These Brick layers Auckland are block made with clay and shale. They are often used in residential and commercial areas for landscaping. There are many reasons why this is gaining popularity and is preferred by a lot of individuals. The finest historical houses in the country enjoy brick terraces, walkways and patios, and when walking on them it is easy to imagine how large gatherings were hosted, intimate dinners were enjoyed, and morning coffee was drunk as the news of the day was perused. What was once an outdoor wasteland, nondescript at best and an eyesore at worst can quickly become the place you always drink your morning coffee.

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