How to connect with Delta call center by phone number?
1 year ago Services New York City 452 views Reference: 58129Contact us
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If you are stuck in a procedure and want urgent help, you can simply call Delta Airlines call center and communicate with a live person which steps are mentioned below.
- You must first call on the Delta telephone number +1-802-341-3454 or +1-800-221-1212.
- In a few moments you will hear instructions from IVR.
- Tap 1 to select the language of your choice.
- Tap 2 to make the new flight reservation.
- Tap 3, for additional baggage or services.
- Tap 4, for refund or file complaint.
- Tap 6 to communicate with a live person.
Once you connect with a live person, you can ask your questions or queries and get support immediately.