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Procomil Delay Spray in Pakistan 03011277650 Khanewal Professional

2 years ago Services Garhiyasin   315 просм

1,500 ₨

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Область: Garhiyasin
Цена: 1,500 ₨

Procomil Delay Spray in Pakistan – Original Procomil Delay Spray for Premature Ejaculation – Best Delay Spray


Procomil Delay Spray in Pakistan For Men 40ml

Procomil Spray (Delay Spray) desensitizes the Penis when sprayed to the head and works within 5 minutes of being sprayed. Once used you can have sex for up to 20 times longer than previously. Known as stud 5000 spray due to your ability to keep going longer and satisfy your lucky wife, giving her multiple orgasms. Premature ejaculation is a common condition that affects millions (74 percent) of men at one time or another. Procomil 45 ml delay spray suppliers is recommended to anyone who has difficulty achieving full sexuals satisfaction because of premature ejaculation. Spray twice to head of penis, and wait for 10 minutes then you are ready for action. If you feel a tingling sensation after spraying just ignore this as it will subside within a minute. Alternatively you can spray onto the palm of your hand and massage into the penis. This spray is odour and taste free so should you receive oral s-x your partner wont be able to tell you have it on

Procomil Delay Spray In Pakistan – Procomil Delay Spray In Lahore – Long Lasting Erection In Bed

Procomil Delay Spray in Pakistan is the only FDA-compliant delay spray on the market with a 13% lidocaine formula that helps men and their partners prolong pleasure for longer-lasting sex. Compare to other leading delay sprays: 35% more concentrated, 50% more product, More than DOUBLE the sprays per bottle, Less than HALF the cost per spray, Overall BEST VALUE

PROCOMIL Delay Spray In Pakistan 100% Original – For Man

Procomil Delay Spray in Pakistan enhanced absorption formula reaches the nerves that impact the time to ejaculate for greater orgasm control. It lasts about 35–45 minutes, depending on dosage. And as you experiment, you’ll soon discover the ideal number of sprays that make for the perfect night. After all, not all couples like to go on, and on, and on.

Top 7 Benefits Of Procomil Delay Spray In Pakistan

  1. Patented Target Zone technology- prevents spread across the penis
  2. Next-to-normal sensitivity – enjoy great sexual sensation
  3. Works fast – you’re ready to go in 6-12 minutes
  4. Backed by clinical data and research results Thorough absorption – virtually no transference to partner
  5. Effective for a half hour or longer – time for plenty of foreplay and intercourse
  6. Success rate – men last more than 64 percent longer in bed when using Procomil Delay Spray in Pakistan
  7. What else do you need to know? The results are there. Procomil Delay Spray in Pakistan works
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