3 years ago Fashion San Antonio 692 views Reference: 37264Location: San Antonio
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PDCPolycrystalline Diamond Compact ) cutter bit inserts are sintered with selected diamond powder and tungsten carbide under high temperature and ultra-high pressure. PDC’s have high hardness, wear resistance and impact resistance, are widely used for oil/gas well drill bit, rock drill and coal mining bitalso could be used for diamond tools for cutting, grinding, polishing.
The invention of the PDC cutter propelled the fixed cutter to the forefront of the drilling industry and the idea instantly took off. Because the shearing action of PDC cutters are more efficient than the crushing action of a button or tooth bit, fixed cutters are in high demand.
In 1982, PDC drill bits accounted for only 2% of total footage drilled. In 2010, 65% of total footage drilled was by PDCs.
The diamond drill bit is used in nearly all applications including geothermal energy drilling, mining, water well and natural gas drilling and oil well drilling. Total depths range from 100' to 20,000'. PDC drill bits are used extensively in natural gas drilling.
PDC also has some limitations like impact damage, heat damage and abrasive wear all inhibit a drill bit's performance and can occur in even the softest geological formations. However, the most difficult formation for a PDC bit to drill are extremely abrasive ones. With PDC popularity on the rise, bit manufacturing companies are seeking new materials and design aspects to make a tougher bit without compromising ROP.
Cutters are made using a combination of high heat and high pressure. Man made diamonds can be grown in 5-10 minutes. Because of this diamond content, a fixed cutter bit may also be known as a diamond drill bit. High heat plus pressure creates a PDC (polycrystalline diamond compact) cutter. Cutters are made from a carbide substrate and diamond grit. High heat of around 2800 degrees and high pressure of approximately 1,000,000 psi forms the compact. A cobalt alloy is also present and acts as a catalyst to the sintering process. The cobalt helps bond the carbide and diamond.
PDC has many other similar products such as PDC Cutters for Oil and Gas Drilling and PCD Blanks. And other tools for drilling or Diamond Grinding Wheel (includes Synthetic Diamond) like Cutting Tools, Diamond Bearing, Thermally Stable Polycrystalline (TSP), etc.